Friday, October 17, 2008

3 Sneaky Ways to Save Your Relationship

If you are interested in knowing how to save your relationship, which is either:

  • on the rocks right now, or
  • already over, but you're looking to get your Ex back, then

...this might well be the most important article you will ever read.

Here is why.

Help is at hand! I am delighted to share with you 3 rock-solid "ways to save a relationship" that have proven time and again to bring couples back together, make the bond stronger and ignite those old feelings of passion.

I must warn you before I continue that all of my advice here is unconventional. I will be the first to admit that I am not a professional relationship counselor. However, this stuff works. You know why? Because it is all based on human nature, and human nature is the one "thing" which never changes and you can always count on.

Human Nature Is Human Nature

So, without any further delay, here they are:

First. Never, never, never beg, plead, or promise to "change" ever again. This one may alarm you. But it is crucial! You tell me, since when has the qualities of "pathetic," "weak," and "needy" ever been attractive and desirable to you?

It is not human nature to find those qualities persuasive.

Second. Talk to their "inner" voice, the one inside their head. This will sound odd but stick with me here. See, it is human nature to replay "sound bites," thoughts, or pictures over and over again in our mind. So when your partner snaps back at you, even hours, and often days later, you will have that "track" playing inside your mind... and your inner voice will be continuing that conversation and planting seeds which could lead to a break up in the relationship. The exact same thing is happening in your partners or your Ex's mind.

When you told your Ex or partner that you never liked them anyway, because you were angry at the time, and that you are glad they lost their job/pet/got a fine (etc...) then that is the ammunition you leave them to shoot down any chances of making up that you might have had.

You should always aim to leave the best "image" of you in their mind. Whether this relationship is on the rocks, or you've already split, when ever you interact, talk to their "inner" voice. Leave seeds that you can return to and nurture.

Third. This last piece I will split down to two separate parts. The first is for you if you have already split and you want your Ex back. The second is for you if you are still in a relationship, but it's on the rocks.

You want your Ex back:

Don't be his or hers friend. Make yourself scarce and maintain some distance between you. You will make yourself instantly more desirable by making yourself unavailable. Don't mope around, or feel sorry for yourself. Instead, get out and have fun. Take up the gym for example. Do something which is very positive. But of course, leave the "door open" for your Ex and wait.

Your relationship is on the rocks:

This won't be easy. Simply find ONE thing you were in the wrong for, and if you have not yet said sorry for it, do so now. Apologize and close the distance that will have been created by your wrong-doing. Yes, this particular piece of advice is actually conventional... sorry about that. BUT it is effective. To be honest, it is not important who is in the wrong, and I wouldn't give too much attention to who's fault this or that is. BUT... what happens when you open up and apologize for something you did wrong, you begin to close the distance between yourself and your partner. This is so important - you never want distance! You got to keep it real close.

The more distance there is, the more chance there is of a break up. Plus, when you keep it close, you can listen out for signs which you can act on, and plant the right words and actions in your partners mind.

I sure hope you got something useful from this article. What you should always remember is that people make up everyday. People get real close to breaking up, only to come back stronger than ever before. There are tons of relationships being SAVED everyday. There is no reason why you can't do it either.

As a parting gift, I invite you to watch a FREE video which shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, and what you SHOULD do to get your Ex back and why. Watch it and you'll learn a powerful tactic based on what always works... human nature. Visit for more juice!

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