Friday, October 17, 2008

Ladies - Does Your Ex Still Have Feelings For You? Watch For These 3 Signs!

OK, you have broken up with your ex whether he was your boyfriend, your husband or lover. Things have been a little shaky, you have had problems moving on or you just do not want to give up on the relationship.

You know that you still love your ex but you are wondering does your ex still have feelings for you. You want him back but you do not know if he also wants to get back together with you.

You may think men are hard to read when it comes to their feelings and emotions. Yes, we try to keep our emotions in check, but we tend to revert to child-like ways of showing we have feelings for the opposite sex. This is also true in the case we still have feelings for our ex love.

5 Signs-Does Your Ex Still Have Feeling For You?

1. Your Ex is Showing Off in Front of You.

No, he may not be doing cartwheels like a child in front of you.

What he will do though is brag about something is he doing or something that makes him look good. He wants your admiration, he wants the same feelings you showed him in the beginning of your relationship. That is a very important sign that he still have feelings for you.

2. Is There a Spark in His Eyes?

Did you notice a "spark" in his eyes when you both started dating?

The next time you talk to your ex face to face, look at his eyes. Do you see the same spark, do you notice his eyes are following you around, is his eyes "smiling"?

It is amazing what a man eyes will tell you when he does not know you are observing them.

The eyes are a "peephole" into a man feelings.

3. Does He Show Up "Accidentally" Where You Are?

If you looking for an obvious sign does your ex still have feelings for you, then this is it.

He is showing up at your regular "hang-outs" because he still has feelings for you and wants to rekindle the relationship. Your regular "hang-outs" could be anywhere that he knows you will be such as the grocery store, mall, park, etc.

The big question is not "does your ex still have feelings for you", but do you want to get back with your ex. If that is the case, then you need a strategy or plan to get your ex back. It is possible to get back with your ex and be happy again!

5 Reasons You Should Be in a Long Distance Relationship

They say that "Distance makes the heart grow fonder". I never truly understood the meaning of that statement until I experienced it first hand. Believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, a long distance relationship can be much greater than a close one. How in the world is this possible? I'm about to tell you.

What if you were to run into somebody on your vacation and fall head over heals in Love. He or she tells you that they live in California but you live in New York. One part of you is saying "damn, too far", and the other part is saying "maybe this could work". Here are 5 reasons why you should consider a long distance relationship.

1. Distance will make you appreciate one another more. Since your partner is not in your face every day you're forced to use a little something most people tend to neglect now days, Imagination. Think about all the fun things you will do together when you see each other again. Turn on some romantic music before bed, stare out at the night sky and dream.

2. It's a good thing that trust is no option in this situation. That's one thing you can write off of your list and not have to worry about.

3. Distance from each other will give you more time to work on your career, exercise or spend more time with your family. Think about all the things you could accomplish in a day. I noticed that when I'm in a relationship with a girl that is conveniently near me, my motivation to exercise or weight lift decreases slightly, especially in a bad relationship. Spending time with your family is very healthy for any relationship. It makes you stronger. You are definitely going to need money to travel so this is also a good time to work hard at your career.

4. Planning your next meeting is always exciting. It gives you something to look forward to and a chance to escape from your daily life. If traveling starts to get expensive, work together to find a cheaper means of travel and split the cost from time to time. I like to think of it as an adventure and at the end of the adventure is your wonderful treasure.

5. A long distance relationship can be a lot stronger that a normal one. Getting through a long distance relationship can be very rewarding for both of you. Think about all the courage it takes to trust somebody thousands of miles away and still be positive. Give yourselves a round of applause. You now share a strength that is impenetrable.

3 Sneaky Ways to Save Your Relationship

If you are interested in knowing how to save your relationship, which is either:

  • on the rocks right now, or
  • already over, but you're looking to get your Ex back, then

...this might well be the most important article you will ever read.

Here is why.

Help is at hand! I am delighted to share with you 3 rock-solid "ways to save a relationship" that have proven time and again to bring couples back together, make the bond stronger and ignite those old feelings of passion.

I must warn you before I continue that all of my advice here is unconventional. I will be the first to admit that I am not a professional relationship counselor. However, this stuff works. You know why? Because it is all based on human nature, and human nature is the one "thing" which never changes and you can always count on.

Human Nature Is Human Nature

So, without any further delay, here they are:

First. Never, never, never beg, plead, or promise to "change" ever again. This one may alarm you. But it is crucial! You tell me, since when has the qualities of "pathetic," "weak," and "needy" ever been attractive and desirable to you?

It is not human nature to find those qualities persuasive.

Second. Talk to their "inner" voice, the one inside their head. This will sound odd but stick with me here. See, it is human nature to replay "sound bites," thoughts, or pictures over and over again in our mind. So when your partner snaps back at you, even hours, and often days later, you will have that "track" playing inside your mind... and your inner voice will be continuing that conversation and planting seeds which could lead to a break up in the relationship. The exact same thing is happening in your partners or your Ex's mind.

When you told your Ex or partner that you never liked them anyway, because you were angry at the time, and that you are glad they lost their job/pet/got a fine (etc...) then that is the ammunition you leave them to shoot down any chances of making up that you might have had.

You should always aim to leave the best "image" of you in their mind. Whether this relationship is on the rocks, or you've already split, when ever you interact, talk to their "inner" voice. Leave seeds that you can return to and nurture.

Third. This last piece I will split down to two separate parts. The first is for you if you have already split and you want your Ex back. The second is for you if you are still in a relationship, but it's on the rocks.

You want your Ex back:

Don't be his or hers friend. Make yourself scarce and maintain some distance between you. You will make yourself instantly more desirable by making yourself unavailable. Don't mope around, or feel sorry for yourself. Instead, get out and have fun. Take up the gym for example. Do something which is very positive. But of course, leave the "door open" for your Ex and wait.

Your relationship is on the rocks:

This won't be easy. Simply find ONE thing you were in the wrong for, and if you have not yet said sorry for it, do so now. Apologize and close the distance that will have been created by your wrong-doing. Yes, this particular piece of advice is actually conventional... sorry about that. BUT it is effective. To be honest, it is not important who is in the wrong, and I wouldn't give too much attention to who's fault this or that is. BUT... what happens when you open up and apologize for something you did wrong, you begin to close the distance between yourself and your partner. This is so important - you never want distance! You got to keep it real close.

The more distance there is, the more chance there is of a break up. Plus, when you keep it close, you can listen out for signs which you can act on, and plant the right words and actions in your partners mind.

I sure hope you got something useful from this article. What you should always remember is that people make up everyday. People get real close to breaking up, only to come back stronger than ever before. There are tons of relationships being SAVED everyday. There is no reason why you can't do it either.

As a parting gift, I invite you to watch a FREE video which shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, and what you SHOULD do to get your Ex back and why. Watch it and you'll learn a powerful tactic based on what always works... human nature. Visit for more juice!

Building Relationships, Commitment and Love - Starting With W

We continue our series on how to build interpersonal relationships, whether with family, coworkers, friends, or that special someone. Commitment and love are important to all of us; they are worth fighting for; they are worth working for. You also should know that in spite of many promises there is no secret for success, no checklist of things to do, and just as importantly no checklist of things not to do. But we do have suggestions, now continuing with the letter W or Z. The focus is on walk away, wits, and zeal.

W is for walk away. Sometimes the best answer to an insult is to walk away. Your interlocutor may simply be looking for trouble and is willing to settle for you and settle things with you, even if you are merely an innocent bystander. Don't stand by, even innocently. Just walk away. Like any advice, this advice is good when it works but it won't always work. I remember like yesterday an incident that happened to me decades ago. I was walking (not away from anything) when a truck driver almost hit me. I yelled at him. He got out of his truck. I was so scared that my feet were glued to the pavement. When he saw me hold my ground he decided that I was an unknown quantity and went back to his truck and silently drove away. I stayed silent too. And walked away.

W is for wits. Use your wits. Once again it's story time. A friend of mine was interviewed for a job as a system analyst that would have meant both a promotion as well as a healthy salary increase. The guy who did the technical interview would be his boss. When my buddy answered a technical question the interviewer replied, "That's not what it says in my book." Had he used his wits he might have said, "My book says blah, blah, blah. Tell me why your answer is better." My pal was then at the beginning of his career and felt he needed a boss from whom he could learn something. So he used his wits and turned down the offer.

Z is for zeal. Don't be half-hearted or three-quarters-hearted in doing what you have to do. Show some pep and some zeal. Be zealous which is not a mispronunciation of the word zealous. Your energy may rub off on your counterparts whether co-workers or others. Then you can take things a little easier.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian, French, or other wine, accompanied by the right foods and spend time with his wife and family. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Among his many web sites he is particularly proud of his new love and relationships site celebrating mostly spiritual and on occasion physical love at You will find a wide range of articles devoted to various aspects of love, and a special collection of love quotes in both English and French (with translations.) Check out his global wine website at

Monogamy No More

It would appear that there is a sexual renaissance occurring in this country, and unlike how clandestine behavior of the past was kept a guarded secret; those taking part in progressive lifestyles today are often acting in open defiance of convention. Couples seeking sexual expression beyond the limits of traditional marriage are discovering more venues than ever to explore their wild side. Many have come to the realization that once observed, the standard relationship model that we were all raised to accept as singular truth hasn't served us very well. The monogamy myth has been openly brought into question. Frankly, it's astounding that it took this long.

For years married couples have been conflicted between the acknowledged, monogamous marital standard and their natural inclinations. The short-lived euphoria couples experience throughout their courtship, and on their wedding day more often than not succumbs to the inevitability of infidelity. While many believe at the time that they will be able to endure a lifetime of monogamy, the unfortunate reality is most people are simply not meant to be so. Over time, the pattern has been that the frustration over denying one's impulses will surely seek expression elsewhere. The abysmal divorce rate, in addition to the emotional dissociation that many couples endure throughout wedlock is evidence of this.

Certainly it's easy to see how this condition came to exist. Much of American culture is built around the monogamy standard, if not the ideal that love will conquer all. Certainly our mainstream media, be it television, movies, LiteFM or daytime talk is saturated with romantic notions of two people getting married, and living happily ever after. It rarely happens. The reality is that the nature of relationships, and moreover, conjugal sex has become a punch line in America. Despite the astigmatic presumptions many people make before they wed, they soon discover that a lifetime existing with only one set of shared genetalia is not all that it was cracked up to be. Sex with your spouse tends to be fantastic...for the first few months. After that, well there is always cable TV and Internet porn. Many seek their vicarious thrills elsewhere. Hardy har har.

To make matters worse, the fear of having to suffer the judgmental indignation of sex-o-phobic conservatives who would impose an antiquated set of marital values has frequently kept married couples from resolving this conflict. The dread of communicating one's desires to their spouse because they fear a self-help inspired moral reprisal has commonly prevented candor about sexuality. This inherent inner conflict between sexual perception and reality has helped create some stifled, hate filled married folks walking around our suburban malls. Many express the frustration over not orgasming as they have always envisioned through sanctimonious wrath. Many Americans, who have become angry over their inability to maintain an emotional connection with their spouse, let alone acknowledge their own failures at intimacy, ignore the reality of what's in front of them and focus their negative energies on those who practice a different marital standard than they do. When couples who engage in secular lifestyles are "outed" to their friends and neighbors, they have often been met with scorn and ridicule. Many have been released from their jobs, or become social outcasts, and have been forced to relocate their residences. The commonly held belief is that people should engage in traditional monogamy, without using any whips, chains leather, toys, or rubber shrink tubing and major household appliances. Any variation from that standard is to be considered socially deviant...regardless of the results.

Oddly enough, mainstream society seems to apply a different moral standard to couples who DO NOT practice negotiated non-monogamy, yet stray outside the confines of their relationship both physically and emotionally. It would seem that marital indiscretion is more easily forgiven, if not tolerated provided that one makes an attempt at a pretense of monogamy. Couples who mediate their extra marital copulation rarely experience the same level of altruism, rather they must often suffer the inequity of those who perceive themselves as being the bearers of a moral standard that amounts to nothing more than a falsehood accepted without question as conventional wisdom. This is due to generations of conditioning. The hypocrisy of this dynamic is staggering, and further proves that the motivation behind those who would denounce people leading secular lifestyles is hardly about the morality they claim it is. Rather it would appear more that misery loves company.

Women in particular have been made to suffer the indignity of self-righteous sex-o-phobes due to the moral double standard that still exists in this country. As in other countries, many of which cannot boast the human rights standards that we claim here in the United States, women have been made to bear the burden of guilt for sexuality. When an empowered woman chooses to engage in conjugation however frequently, and in whatever manner she desires, mainstream Americana will brand her as a "slut", or a whore. There is no male equivalent for that. Often those doing the labeling are other women expressing petty jealousy over their own unfulfilling sex lives under the guise of moral righteousness.

Some people are fighting back against this insanity though, and many have become more inclined to openly express their proclivities, rather than capitulate to the angst of the orgasm-less masses. Having had enough of apologizing to holier than thou suburbanites devoted to a matrimonial standard that rarely works, and to the intolerant proletariat who would attack any lifestyle than dares fall outside of their myopic comfort zones, many in secular lifestyles have chosen to stand up and proudly proclaim their kink. Many more, and in particular, those who engage in negotiated non monogamy have come to acknowledge that women should have the same liberty to express their libidos as men, and in doing so, they are more easily accepting of possibilities they have yet to explore.

This is what makes this rebirth of sexuality among people in committed relationships all the more vital to the state of mental health of married people everywhere. It would seem that for many, sensibility is winning out over blind devotion. People have begun questioning conventional wisdom in order to avoid compromising their lives. They are becoming less likely to remain in a marital purgatory; rather they are beginning to seek what other options are out there. Many have come to realize that marriage shouldn't mean the end of sex, or even the type of adult oriented fun that they shared before taking their vows. No longer are married couples so easily willing to settle for the vapid co-habitation their parents endured. These are regular married couples, many of which have children and mortgages but who are beginning to explore aspects of their sexuality that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

The city of Las Vegas might consider its main commodity to be gambling, but make no mistake...people go there in the numbers they do because it is the one place in the country where people can escape their otherwise boring lives and act as they would love to act every day in suburbia, but can't for fear of moralistic reprisal. Millions of people go to Vegas not simply to wager their earnings, but to be in an environment that is conducive to adult expression. In fact, the city even markets itself according to this paradigm... "What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas". It is the one place in the country where people do not have to deny their quintessential selves. They dress suggestively; flirt with intent, and party as long as they can hold out. If you have an ethical problem with cleavage, Vegas might not be the best vacation spot for you.

But as people's frustrations over the conflicted nature of relationships increases, the need to let off steam needs to be brought closer to home. Not everyone in search of escape has the means to get themselves to Nevada. Almost every major city has now become host to at least one annual event that centers on new and different ways to become intimate, fornicate, or simply get your freak on. Whether it be a Swingers party, a Fetish Ball, or perhaps even a Polyamourous retreat... Schoolteachers, CPA's, and other upright community leaders from across the country frequent these types of events so they can work their mojo, if not to simply release the pressure of their everyday lives. Nowhere is this more evident that at the Exotic Erotic Expo & Ball which occurs annually in San Francisco.

Every year around Halloween time an adult oriented carnival occurring over a weekend and culminating in a huge Saturday night Ball caters to an interesting mixture of lifestyles. Otherwise "normal" husbands and wives dress in their most provocative (if not outrageous) outfits and are able to party uninhibited until the sun comes up without having to endure the moral scrutiny of their neighbors. Billing itself as "The World's #1, Wildest Sexiest Party", the Exotic Erotic Ball is the type of event that married, mainstream couples look forward to attending once a year so they can let it all hang out. Literally.

The recent Swingfest convention located on Florida's Atlantic Coast proved to be another terrific pressure valve whereby multitudes of lascivious, sex-positive eroti-philes were able to escape the doldrums of their otherwise circumscribed lives, and explore the boundaries of their libidos. Literally thousands of couples, many of whom were merely curious as to what the limits of their comfort ability might be, chose to attend a weekend soiree' wrought with sex workers, adult film stars, and other average everyday suburban couples whose lifestyle allow them to engage in extra marital fornication. "I am bringing my husband here for our anniversary," said a 20-something little hottie named Stacey. "I am not exactly sure what to expect."

Neither did anyone else, in fact, as this was the folks at Swingfest's first ever convention. However, not knowing what to expect is the reason so many people are choosing to attend events like this in the first place. Although the immediate association one makes with Swingfest is that it is strictly a swingers convention, the truth is that what made the event overflow from the over 990 room beachfront Westin Diplomat Resort into two neighboring hotels was that it's appeal was to a much larger group of sexual enthusiasts. "What Swingfest was about was to bring different communities together" said Jason Jean, owner of the event, "We set out to throw the world's largest Swinger's party, but without excluding other communities".

Indeed they did. If Jean was the quarterback of his team, then it was event coordinator Greg Freeman who carried the ball. Together they managed to throw quite a 3-day bash. "It's great to be able to have this much fun working," quipped Freeman, "It all pays off when you see this many people having a blast." Despite their humility, this was no small undertaking. The unique feature behind Swingfest seemed to be that nobody was apparently excluded from the adult oriented fun. Provided they weren't there to discuss their crab grass, every attendee seemed to have an outlet to explore whatever it was they were looking to experience, regardless of their experience attending these types of events. Although the core attendees were in fact people who engaged in negotiated non-monogamy, there was a large contingent present that were there to learn, seek out what their prospects were, or even dabble in inter- relationship carnal knowledge for the first time.

In fact, just as with the Exotic Erotic Expo, one doesn't need to have a lifestyle beyond traditional monogamy to be able to enjoy booth surfing at the Swingfest expo. Whether shopping for erotic art, clothing, sex toys, or even having the opportunity to meet industry related entertainers, these adult oriented marketplaces are great ways to initiate couples into a world beyond backyard barbeques and office holiday parties. Walking through a suggestively charged expo floor has a way of heightening one's sense of sexuality. Also for the novice attendee, Swingfest offered several seminars to help along couples that may have either felt overwhelmed, or who just needed a better understanding of specific aspects of secular marital lifestyles.

Even for the veteran swinger there were opportunities to prospect and delve into things that they might have yet to experience. But make no mistake, the allure of Swingfest was the wild parties, and the potential for couples to meet one another and engage in extra marital copulation. During the day the beach and the two more than ample sized pools were more than able to accommodate the massive amount of sexually expressive people who were there mingle with purpose. By the time the nighttime festivities rolled around, those who were there to do what swingers do were a mere elevator ride away from experiencing the excitement of having intercourse with people who they had recently met. While the sheer volume of swingers in attendance was impressive, it was the mood created by Jean, Freeman & Co. that permitted their clientele to comfortably enjoy themselves, and perhaps more importantly, each other. "We were able to meet our numbers", Jean modestly denotes, "But we are confident that we can build upon what we've already accomplished"

However it was a combination of good timing, better marketing and competent staffing that helped make Swingfest's inaugural event such a raving success. Getting positive press from Jay Leno who offered a nice plug for the event on the Tonight Show, being acknowledged as a major news item by Bill O'Reilly, or even receiving a flattering feature on the front page of the Miami herald were all PR home runs. Jean and company seemed to recognize the slow moving trend away from traditional marriage and that Swingfest would actually benefit from mainstream media coverage. Getting coverage on Playboy Radio, VH-1 and the Howard Stern show certainly didn't hurt either.

But there is a growing phenomenon that centers on committed couples looking to expand their matrimonial horizon. People are becoming tired of the failures of institutionalized marriage. Perhaps without having the knowledge of what possibilities may be available to them, they do realize this much; the existing plan isn't working. When one considers how accommodating Swingfest was to its paying customers, along with the present movement away from prescriptive matrimony, their business model looks like a winner. "It was intended to be a one stop shop" added Jean in reference to how the event was designed. Addressing the need of couples searching for something different in what stands to be a growing market is, if nothing else, terrific business.

I am an Author and Speaker. My recent book Unlearn! Because Life Can Make You Stupid! is a kick in the groin to the Self-Help Industry. Without any sugarcoating, I confront societal normalcy, political correctness and perceived morality in a blistering attack on today's American Culture. Whether you choose to agree or disagree, Unlearn! will open your mind to an alternative world of possibilities.

I am available for various media including television, radio, and print. The only conditions are that nothing is either scripted or contrived. I also offer live seminars on a variety of subjects having to do with love, marriage, monogamy and the pursuit of happiness. Talks may vary according to the event. Although the verbiage and content are of an adult nature, and the subject matter is taken seriously, it is delivered with my unique style of caustic witticism.

How to Build the Relationship of Your Dreams

Building the relationship of your dreams requires work. Work is one word an average individual sees or hears about and cringes away considering the mindset we have developed about it- sweat, grime, exertion, tiredness, time, etc.

Specific areas where work is needed in the relationship are as follows:

1. Affirm and appreciate your partner- this is so seeing that you are the first priority where your partner is concerned. You are not only special, you are also unique and any word of complement, appreciation, commendation and at times rebuke is well taken and equally treasured by your partner.

2. Share the glories and challenges faced together- going into a relationship among other things is primarily for intimacy. You get to be open, bare and vulnerable before your partner no matter the circumstance or occasion. Getting to share your glories and challenges not only creates room for discussion(s), it presents the opportunity for your partner share in your 'world' because he/she cares.

3. Go out on a date- taking your partner out on a date adds to the 'magic' of the moment. The two of you will get the opportunity to spend time in each other's company away from 'home' and distractions. This need not be expensive where either of you decides to make a purchase or payment for a good or service rendered (snacks, gift, movies, stroll, transport fare, cruise, etc) while out on your date.

4. Invest positively and creatively- a lot of individuals involved in a relationship make the mistake of not investing positively and creatively in it. Some only see and sit in judgement over their partner's shortcomings and faults whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Others have ended up with the assumption that they do not really need to do anything per se seeing the relationship (from their own perspective) is stable. In many instance, this state and frame of mind has caused many relationships having prospects to wither and die off somewhere along the journey.

Each individual 'having had or caught a glimpse of the partner's like and dislikes' needs to be proactive and strive to outdo one another (under a healthy atmosphere, of course) in good and ideal things that will enable the relationship to flourish to the delight of both parties concerned.

5. Develop yourself and be disciplined- There is one thing that life confronts you with at every turn of the moment and that is change. You cannot afford to remain stagnant. You must improve on yourself and strive to bring out the best to your nature and personality.

This not only boosts your self esteem making you feel good about yourself (not in a conceited manner anyway), it brings a reassurance and a comfort to your partner that you are also making effort to improve.

Being disciplined talks about feeling the need and making the effort to equally work at making your relationship succeed through the choices (this should be good and right ones please) you make from time to time and not leaving the entire responsibility to making your relationship work and succeed at the sole discretion of your partner.

6. Set Goals- You will need to set goals and focus on achieving them in order to be able to score and grade the level of your involvement and development in your relationship. Without goals or objectives, your relationship will lack a bearing/direction and over time will stagnate. Endeavor to set achievable goals and set time limits in which to assess your development and growth in your relationship.

Your relationship can only succeed when both of you make out time and take turns to invest and nurture it. Both parties involved should be encouraged to put into practice all these points shared on how to build the relationship of your dreams.

How Great is God's Mercy

Ps. 103:11, "For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him."

First, it is important to understand God's mercy toward us, His beloved people before we can know how we are to treat others. God's mercy is as high as the heaven is above the earth, and it is also from everlasting to everlasting (Ps. 103:17 and Ps. 106:48).

Mercy is all about having the power and position to harm, control, get revenge or abuse someone, but instead you shower them with compassion. This is God's great blessing to all of His people on a daily basis.

He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and omnipresent, and yet He doesn't do to us as our sins deserve. Ps. 103:10, "He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities."

What Should Our Response Be to God's Great Mercy Toward Us?

As God has shown us tremendous mercy; we ought also to show this same mercy to those around us daily. When we do not respond in like manner to being treated unfairly, rudely and negatively; we are giving mercy to those who do not deserve it; just as The Lord does for us.

Mercy is a rare virtue these days because people are under much stress. This makes mercy all that more valuable and effective. Always what is unique and uncommon is of great worth, and people will take notice, and they will understand that you can show mercy because you, as a Christian have received so much mercy from the living God of the universe.

The more mercy we give out; the more mercy we will receive in our own helpless situations. Many times helplessness induces the bully spirit in others. Why? Simply because when a person is helpless; they are vulnerable to the power of others whether good or bad.

The Scriptures depict many helpless people who were crying out to Jesus over and over again, "Lord, have mercy on me." We were in that helpless situation before we accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into our hearts. He had mercy on us, and He has given us everything we need to have a powerful, abundant and blessed life.

Now, we in turn can show mercy to those who need it. Many times we are placed in a position to show mercy to someone. How do we respond?

How we respond to helpless people that are in dire need will determine how God will pour out His mercy upon us in the future. Matthew 5:7, "Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."

The Law of sowing and reaping tells us that what we give out is what we will receive. The more mercy we show to others; the more we will receive from the almighty God.

There are so many small and large ways to show mercy. When in line at a store, do you look behind you to see if there is a person who only has a few items, and you let them in front of you?

Do you pick up items that have been dropped in stores or from people? These are small everyday ways to show mercy.

Larger ways to show mercy are when someone has hurt you; you still treat them exactly the same way, and you do not try to get any revenge or hold a grudge. You overlook their offence, and you don't talk about it to others.

Even larger ways to show mercy are to help someone that is being persecuted. You can stand up for those who are being slandered. You can help someone that is being "gang stalked" (google search term) which is the new term for those who are being terrorized in the most horrible way imaginable in America, Canada and The UK.

There are countless ways to show mercy to people these days, as more and more people are needing mercy from their fellowman. Some people have had to leave their homes, some have been laid off, some have lost everything including their families.

When you show God's mercy to a person; you are revealing God's heart to them. You are giving them a ray of hope that there is a God in heaven, and that God is using you to help them in their time of need.

We all have times of need when we are totally dependent on another's mercy. Store up your treasure of mercy in heaven so that you will be given plenty of mercy when your time of need comes its way.

The bully who uses the helplessness of a person to abuse them; will have a time when he or she needs mercy, but it will not be there for them.

Today, there are neighborhood bullies, workplace bullies and school bullies galore, but people who are merciful are very exceptional and priceless. They are the jewels among the wood, hay and stubble.

They shine forth like diamonds in the radiance of The Son, Jesus Christ, and they point the way to Him each day. They are living testimonies of the mercy of God in their own lives.

Those that are merciful will bear the beautiful fruit that is needed desperately in The Body of Christ today. John 15:2, "Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit He taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit."

Be merciful, and you will obtain all of the mercy that you need to make it in this life, and to bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

The Relationship Doctor - Tips For Finding the Right Relationship

Many of us would say that our relationships need help. Whether we are fighting with our spouse or struggling with our children, we just do not get along. Spending time with each other is important. However, some bigger problems may require outside help from the relationship doctor.

Relationship experts can give you impartial advice based on what you and the person you are not getting along with have to say about the situation. Counseling may be needed, or you may need to try a few easy steps at home to change your relationship.

Divorce is at an all-time high, and married couples are not the only victims. Children of divorce are suffering greatly, too. Blending families is tough, and children do not get over divorce. Your family may need the help of the relationship doctor.

As you might guess, children of divorce often have trouble in dating relationships and in their subsequent marriages. They may be more likely to get divorced themselves. Also, pre-marital counseling is necessary for all couples, especially people who are children of divorce or have been divorced before themselves.

Many of us who have emotional baggage might select spouses that are not good for us and cause us to continue in unhealthy patterns. For example, those of use who had abusive parents are more likely to select abusive spouses. Pre-marital counseling can help us avoid some of these issues in regards to our emotional baggage.

The most important thing you must remember is: Do not give up on your relationships. Your spouse, children, parents, and other friends and family will be devastated if you do. Please consider confiding in the relationship doctor today.

Friendships are another area that people struggle in. Most of us are so busy that we feel we do not have time for our friends. Sit down and actually talk to your friends. Spend time with them. Doing so will help your friendship stay healthy and help you personally, too. There may come a time when you need someone to confide in and you do not want to lose your friends. Even in very busy seasons of life, make time to have at least a few close friends.

Family and friends are both very important. The relationship doctor recommends making time with them a priority. If there are problems, do not pull away from each other. Seek counseling if needed, and do not give up. Things will get better in your relationships with hard work and time.

Remember that people on their deathbed hardly ever regret time spent with other people. Work on your relationships today, and make an investment in your future. You will be so much better off for doing so, and your friends and family will be happy, too!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Accounting Information

The definition of accounting is bookkeeping: the activity, practice, or profession of maintaining the business records of a person or organization and preparing forms and reports for tax or other financial purposes. In years past, students going into college have not shown much interest in choosing accounting as a major because most of them considered it to be a boring subject with all of its numbers, statistics, and many spreadsheets. Due to recent accounting scandals by companies such as Enron, there has been an increasing demand for accountants and auditors.

A survey taken by Job Outlook in 2005, showed that accounting is the most in-demand major on college campuses.. The new in-thing is cleaning up a company's accounting books. Many accounting teachers and professors are nearing retirement age and their vacancies are hard to fill since there are twice as many accounting faculty openings then suitable applicants to fill them.

In the United States, there are three main classes of accountants: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Certified Management Accountant (CMA). CPAs provide services to the public such as auditing, accounting, litigation, and tax advisory services. CIAs work mainly in auditing for their employers while CMAs work generally for their employers although they may offer some limited services to the public.

In order to become a CPA, you must get a bachelor's accounting degree from a college or university that typically includes 150 credit hours of coursework, and specific courses, usually in financial accounting, managerial accounting, taxation, and auditing.

Accounting Help - A Boon For Business Empires

If you run a firm of your own you must have been through the difficult maze of maintaining the accounts. The accounting work is very complicated yet is very crucial; therefore you can not afford to be careless about it. Since the whole process can be really taxing, it could be very helpful, if you sought some accounting help for completing the accounting work, it can take off a lot of burden of your shoulders.

There are various professional organizations that provide efficient and affordable accounting help. These organizations hire trained professionals who are very good at maintaining the accounts and other related data. These professionals help to complete the bookkeeping and accounting tasks on time as well as tracking the related data.

The organizations providing accounting help also tend to assist in processing the non-operational information which is absolutely necessary for any business. The professionals at these organizations ensure the proper preparation of data sheets. They maintain the accounting data sought by the managers of a firm as well as shareholders. They also prepare the data to be presented to the creditors, the banks and the government, that can be easily shared between them. The professionals working in these organizations help to form the right organizational structure of the accounts department. The information related to your firm's accounts is kept securely and confidentially. Also you are given a privilege to monitor the information on a periodic basis. These organizations also install the latest software in your firm's premises that can help you to monitor your accounting records.

Taking Accounting help from these organizations has many benefits. It helps to reduce the large manpower. It also minimizes the loss of time and efforts needed to maintain accounts sheets as well as other crucial data. Also if an error occurs due to lack of time, the professionals help by covering it properly and completely. The professionals working in these organizations use wonderful accounting software that helps to finish the projects timely and easily. The professionals working for these organizations will update your financial records on a regular basis. This will help you to know about your company's status in the market from time to time.

You do not have to worry about the fee as it is easily affordable. Usually such organizations will demand a minimal amount for their services. The fee is much less than the monetary losses which otherwise you have to incur on hiring an extra in-house staff.

There are so many organizations to choose from. A simple search on the internet can help you come across a large number of companies. These companies will offer you a variety of deals to help you with your accounting tasks. Once you will choose the right company for your tasks, the accounting help provided by that company will help to ease out the complex process of accounting. It will help you gain a complete control over your non-operational services.